Tumblr saved my Instagram

Tumblr saved my Instagram feed


A strange thing happened late last night. While going through my website backend I discovered my website was still sending updates to my Tumblr Blog. For those that don’t know. Tumblr in my opinion was the best microblogging platform of the mid 2010s. And then it faded back into the background, while Instagram and new platforms like TikTok took over. And there was the issue of NSFW Tumblr content being removed but that’s another story.

Now the great thing about Tumblr in 2023 is it hasn’t changed since the mid 2010’s. Tumblr has kept the same feed instead of the loathed algorithmic “here-you-might-like-this-so-let’s-ram-it-down-your-throat” feed of Instagram. Posting is relatively easy and you can customise your Tumblr with a little bit of time. Now the downside. Tumblr has ad’s, not many but it’s unescapable like every other social platform these days. It’s less bothersome than Instagrams bombardment. And the community is tiny in comparison to the juggernauts of Meta and TikTok. But it’s a small price to pay to discover new and unique content. 

Like finding your old treasures

Now for the fun part, If you had a Tumblr account and had it linked to your instagram feed, chances are you still have long deleted instagram posts showing on your Tumblr blog. For some it might come as a welcome surprise and might invoke a sense of nostalgia like going through old high school yearbooks. But I’m sure there will be others who will squeal with agony, at thought of seeing their cringeworthy posts from 2013. Yes I cringed quietly at some of the posts, but I’ll share the good stuff later. 

So if you want to rediscover your old posts or simply try something refreshing then join the Tumblr community. Sure it isn’t new and it’s quieter. But it’s a welcome breath of fresh air in 2023. If you’re tired of influencers, spammy video’s and the other stuff that the algorithm thinks you might like then this platform is for you. And just like everything else in 2023 everything old is new again. Get your skinny hipster pants on, play that mp3, recharge that iPod, we’re back to tumblr’ing…I think I got that last bit right? 


If you want to discover some old gems and posts head over to my Tumblr now at https://www.tumblr.com/devinephotography 


Also feel free to check out some of my latest non-wedding content at

The Street Photography Diaries Entry 1

The Street Photography Diaries Entry 2


I thought I deleted this little gem from my Instagram account but it lives on in Tumblr
I thought I deleted this little gem from my Instagram account but it lives on in Tumblr. Food photos do we even post these to Instagram anymore?

What used to be in my instagram feed was an assortment of personal and professional photos and then the great purge happened in an effort to clean it up.
What used to be in my instagram feed was an assortment of personal and professional photos and then the great purge happened in an effort to clean it up.
Ohhh a Blackberry! 2015 tech!
Ohhh a Blackberry Passport! 2015 tech with physical keys. This thing was an emailing beast and absolute joy to compose with.